

Frankie and I went to Idaho over my spring break to spend some time with the fam. We went snowboarding with my brother Tyler. It was fun to see snow again, since we haven't in forever. Frankie decided to give me a closer look of the snow as you can see. It was a good trip, besides the fact that Frankie and I both had a hard time adjusting to the weather, and the high of 36 degrees the whole time we were there. We both got a little sick, but it was still fun. We loved seeing all of our nieces and nephews and my brothers and sisters and mom and dad. Good times.


Beau & Lenette said...

so much fun! Beau has been dying to go to the slopes for oh about 7 years now!

Anonymous said...

IDAHO.... probably the best place in the world, maybe not!! Hope all is wonderful in Hawaii!!